Catriona Gray wins Miss World Philippines 2016 - It's Me, Gracee

Catriona Gray wins Miss World Philippines 2016

Monday, October 03, 2016

Miss World Philippines 2016 has crowned the Albay beauty Catriona Gray as the winner at The Tent City, Manila Hotel last Sunday, October 2, 2016.

For the Top 5, the ladies were asked “Why should you be Miss World Philippines?” 

IMAGE Courtesy of Bong Tan / Missosology

Check out their answers below:

Sandra Lemonon: I will give my heart and try to do my best to help other people. That is Miss World is all about, Beauty with a Purpose.

Ariane Calingo: Miss World Philippines is more than just a crown to me, it is an opportunity to serve as a powerful catalyst for change. If I were to achieve the crown, I will help uplift people specially the youth. I want to teach them that you are only as insignificant as you so choose to be, so choose great and choose to noble that you are worthy of your crown.

Catriona Gray: To be a Miss World is to be passed a torch that burns with passion and purpose. If I am to become MIss World Philippines, I will dedicate my voice and essence to carry that torch and to set charitable causes alight, such as my personal advocacy, the Paraiso Bright Beginnings Project. And I would focus on passing on this torch to empower others because I believe together there is no darkness in this world that our light cannot overcome.

Ivana Pacis: I consider myself as servant of the lord in this country and it is my dream to fulfill the Beauty with a purpose. If ever I win tonight, I will not just carry the crown, I will carry with with dignity and honor.

Marah Munoz: Because I am assertive, enthusiastic, competitive and I am willing to do everything that I can. I’m willing to give all my heart to everyone, to my families and Filipinos.

During the Miss World Philippines gala charity night last week, she was named Miss Organique, Miss Figilia, Miss Folded & Hung and Miss Talent. Breaking Gray's grip on the awards, Lemonon was also named Miss Photogenic.

The Top 12:
Candidate No. 7: Sarah Margarette F. Joson
Candidate No. 5 Arienne Louise Braga Calingo
Candidate No. 13 Catriona Gray
Candidate No. 2 Shena Saldivar
Candidate No. 24 Yuri Yu Caunca
Candidate No. 21 Marah Muñoz
Candidate No. 12 Arah Alvero Salientes
Candidate No. 23 Ralph Lauren Asuncion
Candidate No. 8 Sandra Lemonon
Candidate No. 18 Ivanna Pacis
Candidate No. 4 Alyana Kagandahan
Candidate No. 10 Kristine Lopez

The Top 5:
Sandra Lemonon
Arienne Louise Calingo
Marah Muñoz
Ivanna Kamil Pacis
Catriona Gray

Miss World Philippines 2016: Catriona Gray
1st runner-up : Ariane Calingo
2nd runner-up : Ivana Pacis
3rd runner-up : Marah Munoz
4th runner-up : Sandra Lemonon

IMAGE Courtesy of Bong Tan / Missosology

Gray will represent the country at the Miss World competition, which will be held at a convention center near Washington D.C. in December.

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